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AI: Artificial Intelligence | Academic Integrity

Spring Summer 2024 Issue

20多年来,高等教育一直在数字信息时代的复杂性中游刃有余. As artificial intelligence — AI — emerges as a transformative force, faculty specifically are adapting once again.

在过去十年中, AI’s development has been consistently on the rise, leading to increased awareness and usage of AI systems.

“We know everyone is using it,” half-jokes 大卫Imhoof, professor of history at Susquehanna, “not because we’re ‘catching’ them but because we know everyone is using it.”

At Susquehanna’s Break Through career networking conference in 2024, 当被问及是否使用过人工智能平台时,几乎所有参加“职场人工智能”小组讨论的学生都举手了.

The Pew Research Center asked U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 about their awareness and use of AI (November 2023). The organization found that 67% are familiar with ChatGPT, arguably the most well-known generative AI platform. Nineteen percent of those teens said they have used ChatGPT to help with their schoolwork.

Of the teens who have heard of ChatGPT, most (69%) say it’s acceptable to use the platform to research new things. 当涉及到解决数学问题(39%)或写论文(20%)时,可接受性就下降了。.

人工智能在课堂上的应用充满了比说说更复杂的伦理问题, “Alexa”或“嘿Siri”.”

浩博体育app(浩博体育app)的教学与学习中心(Center for Teaching and Learning)通过一系列专业发展课程直面这一主题,旨在教育教师了解人工智能的机制,以及他们如何在课堂上管理人工智能的使用.

Susquehanna does not yet have a generalized, university-wide policy regarding the use of AI. 相反, Nabeel西迪基, assistant professor of digital media and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, has encouraged faculty members to tailor their own policies to their classrooms. 为 阿曼达·莱尼格,07年, department chair and associate professor of graphic design, that means nurturing a culture of transparency.

“It’s part of the industry now, 所以我认为,作为教授,我们的工作就是教学生如何选择使用人工智能,并对自己的选择负责,她说。. AI can be an advantage in the field of graphic design. 正如Lenig所解释的, 以前可能需要花费数小时或数天的时间,比如制作一把纸板剑,用于电视连续剧《浩博体育app》的广告活动, 这是Lenig的一个作业中的一个例子,现在可以通过Adobe Firefly中的人工智能工具在几分钟内完成.

The ethics come into play, Lenig says, at the heart of the assignment.

“If the assignment was to create a custom or hand-done illustration, then using AI to create that illustration would be unethical,列举原因. “如果任务是创造一个广告活动概念,并在视觉上执行这个概念,那么库存摄影可能是一种方法, 然后使用人工智能将允许学生在更快的周转时间内为他们的活动创建完美的形象.”

Lenig’s approach is one that is shared by others across the sciences and humanities. Siddiqui allows his students to use AI — up to a point. 如果他怀疑学生过于依赖人工智能,他就会咨询学生.

西迪基是什么, in his position with the Center for Teaching and Learning, does not encourage is the default use of AI detectors, which typically search for the repetition of words as a sign that a text was AI-generated. This is because AI detectors can be problematic, he said.

根据2023年发表在《浩博体育app诚信杂志》上的一篇文章, 对14种人工智能检测工具的评估发现,它们既不准确也不可靠(所有工具的准确率都低于80%,只有5种超过70%)。. Studies have also shown AI detectors to be biased against nonnative English speakers.

“The reasons a student doesn’t cheat isn’t because they didn’t have access; it’s because they found it ethically problematic,西迪基说. “When a student does make the decision to violate academic integrity policies, there are larger issues that are occurring, 在这种情况下,更重要的是能够与学生交谈,以确定发生了什么.”

Instead of relying on detectors or banning the use of AI altogether, some faculty members are integrating AI into their assignments. 在大流行期间, Mike Ozlanski ' 05, department head and Allen C. Tressler associate professor of accounting in the Sigmund Weis School of Business, migrated his tests and quizzes to an online setting out of necessity. 从那以后,他又回到了“老式”的学习方式——在课堂上用铅笔和纸.

“I did this because ChatGPT (in January 2023) earned, 平均, a passing grade on these assessments, so I needed a way to assess how well my students — not AI — know accounting concepts,他说. “我还从学生那里得到非正式反馈,许多人更喜欢参加纸面评估.”

However, he hasn’t altogether abandoned ChatGPT in his classes.

“我告诉学生们,他们可以使用这个工具来帮助他们解决家庭作业问题,同时期望他们仍然可以成功地通过测验和考试,他解释道. “我还强调,ChatGPT可以创建关于课程主题的多项选择题和是非题. So, they could use ChatGPT to help them prepare for these assessments.”

在另一门课上, Ozlanski分享了与课程项目相关的ChatGPT输出的副本,并要求他的学生对它们进行评论.

“We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the AI output. Then, it is their job to ensure their analysis is better than the chat,他说. “ChatGPT could be a starting point for their analysis, but they are ultimately responsible for the quality of their submissions, including accurate citations from credible sources.”


Anusha Veluswamy, visiting assistant professor of mathematical science, 让她的400级人工智能课程的学生通过对提供的数据集进行人工智能统计分析来预测妊娠糖尿病的发病率. She also uses AI-assisted grading.

“我将答案输入人工智能平台,并首先提交测试测试以确认准确性,Veluswamy说. “该平台直接链接到Canvas,因此学生可以通过他们已经熟悉的平台轻松提交考试.”

While not necessarily “AI-proofing” his assignments, Imhoof总是以一种难以通过AI完成的方式来设计它们.

“I do a lot of very narrowly focused assignments, so if students follow the assignment, it’s not easy for them to type something into ChatGPT and just get an answer,伊姆霍夫补充道. “例如, 我可能会要求我的学生使用特定的文档来分析指定的主题,因为我对他们收集信息的能力不太感兴趣,我更感兴趣的是他们提供见解的能力.” 

伊姆霍夫还通过他的《浩博体育app》课程将人工智能引入课堂. 在这, students use ChatGPT to help them consider certain parts of a paper, but not write it for them. 他们还了解到,向生成式人工智能平台提交最合适的提示以接收他们所寻求的信息是多么重要.

“我们探索了ChatGPT可以解释非殖民化过程的不同方式,就像研究生一样, like a 15-year-old would, and like a stand-up comic would,伊姆霍夫解释道. “Needless to say, they especially liked that last one.”

在《浩博体育app网站》, 约瑟夫·莫兰特,21岁, a data analyst with Bloomberg, and 罗伯特·马斯特斯20年他与学生们讨论了人工智能在工作场所的应用.

Morante highlighted the various misconceptions surrounding AI, particularly the fear of job displacement. 他和马斯特斯指出,随着人工智能的发展,各种职业道路将被创造或扩展, from coding to software design to prompt engineering.

“With any advancing technology there is a fear to it, 是的, 一些工作岗位可能会消失, 但是,这些技术进步正在创造更多的就业机会和学习更多的技能,莫兰特说.

As AI platforms multiply and become more sophisticated, higher education will adapt as it had in the past to computers, the internet and smartphones. What educators like Imhoof, Lenig, Siddiqui和Veluswamy期待通过人工智能向学生灌输他们一直追求的东西——创造性思维和批判性思维的能力,以分析问题并做出有效的决策.

“When we teach people to be graphic designers, we’re teaching them to be critical thinkers and decision makers,莱尼格强调. “While AI is certainly another tool in a student’s tool chest, AI doesn’t change what has always been central to our mission as educators.”

“Rather than reacting to generative AI like ChatGPT as a threat, 教师们需要意识到,我们的学生将在一个大多数工作都以人工智能为特征的世界中工作. 我们应该, 因此, 教学生如何有效地使用这项技术来提高他们的批判性思维能力,伊姆霍夫说. “我们有一个独特的机会来证明,像萨斯奎哈纳这样的文理学院是如何利用人工智能作为我们技能延伸的完美场所, not as a replacement for them.” 

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